Multiple stores

You can create as many stores as you want to separate your application state.

Manage multiple store instances with an object

Simply create a Javascript Object containing multiple store instances and then pass specific instances to your components.

You can also pass this object to a component and have it reacting to all store instances.

// Create a number of stores
const allStores = {
  food: createAppState('', { ... }),
  drinks: createAppState('', { ... }),
  snacks: createAppState('', { ... })

// Pass a relevant store to a component
  withStore(allStores.drinks, {

// Or pass all the stores to a component
  withStore(allStores, {

// Or just pass the required stores to a component
    snacks: allStores.snacks
  }, {

Clearing multiple stores

You can clear multiple stores using custom methods.

// A helper function for testing a store instance
function isStore (store) {
  return store.subscribe && typeof store.subscribe === 'function'

// Create a number of stores
const allStores = {
  food: createAppState('', { ... }),
  drinks: createAppState('', { ... }),
  snacks: createAppState('', { ... }),
  clear (notifySubscribers = true) {
    Object.values(this).forEach(v => isStore(v) && v.clear(notifySubscribers))