
To survive hard refreshes from the user, your state can be persisted to sessionStorage automatically.
This will re-hydrate your store on initialisation.

// An initialised store. Params omitted for brevity
const store = createAppState('', {
  persist: 'food' // this must be a unique namespace for the store

createPersist function

You can optionally save state to window.localStorage (for persistence across browser sessions) using the createPersist function:

import { createAppState, createPersist } from ''

// An initialised store. Params omitted for brevity
const store = createAppState('', {
  persist: createPersist('food', 'local')

When using the createPersist function, the following arguments must be supplied:

namespacestringtrueThe unique namespace for the store
storagestringtrueThe storage mechanism to use - either local for window.localStorage or session for window.sessionStorage (default)
optionsobjectPersistence options. See options below.


Options can be provided when creating persistence.

import { createAppState, createPersist } from ''

// An initialised store. Params omitted for brevity
const store = createAppState('', {
  initialState: {
    count: 0,
    currentRun: 0
  persist: createPersist('food', 'local', {
    clearOnReload: true,
    saveState (state) {
      return {
        count: state.count


Setting options.clearOnReload to true will detect the browser reload state using
the window.performance API and clear the persistence
if a reload type is detected.

createPersist('food', 'local', {
  clearOnReload: true


Setting options.saveState provides a way to persist specific data different to that of the store state.
This is useful when the store state contains functions or other data that cannot be serialised into a string when saved
to window.sessionStorage or window.localStorage.

createPersist('food', 'local', {
  saveState (state) {
    return {
      // return properties of state to persist

The saveState function is passed the current state and must return an object of data to be serialised into a string.

Custom persistence

You can provide a custom class and persist your application state in whichever way you choose.

Four methods must be implemented:

setState(state)Save the state in the persistence store
getState()Retrieve the state from the persistence store
lastUpdated()Retrieve the last updated time of the state in milliseconds since the Unix Epoch
removeState()Remove the state from the persistence store
import { createAppState } from ''

class MyCustomPersist {
  setState (state) {
    // set the state

  getState () {
    // get the state

  lastUpdated () {
    // get the last updated time in milliseconds since the Unix Epoch

  removeState () {
    // remove the state - this is called by default when setState is null

// An initialised store. Params omitted for brevity
const store = createAppState('', {
  persist: new MyCustomPersist()