withI18nReactive function

The withI18nReactive function extends a component and makes working with internationalization (i18n) easier in components.

The function works with the event bus to listen for locale changes.
If the event bus is available on the component instance, the topic i18n:locale:changed is automatically subscribed to and will trigger the component re-render.
This is useful when the component is used in a multi-locale application and you want to re-render the component when the locale changes.

// import it with all other features
import { createCustomElement, withI18nReactive, withEventBus } from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/ficusjs@6'

// alternatively, import the functions directly
// import { withI18nReactive } from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/ficusjs@6/with-i18n-reactive'
// import { withEventBus } from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/ficusjs@6/with-event-bus'

// import the renderer and html tagged template literal from the uhtml renderer
import { html, renderer } from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@ficusjs/renderers@5/uhtml'

// import an I18n instance from a local file
import { i18n } from './i18n.js'

// import an event bus instance
import { eventBus } from './event-bus.js'

    withI18nReactive(i18n, {
      buttonClicked () {
        // handle event
      render () {
        return html`<button type="button" onclick=${this.buttonClicked}>${this.i18n.t('buttons.increment')}</button>`

The withI18nReactive function provides a this.i18n property within the component.
The following methods are available within the component on this..i18n.

t(key, templateData, options)

The t() method retrieves the translation message for the current locale.
The following arguments can be passed to the t() method.

keystringYesThe key for the specific message. This can be a nested key like buttons.increment
templateDataobjectThe optional data for message interpolation. The keys must match the message value. For example; the message Greeting requires a templateData object containing { name: 'FicuJS' }
optionsobjectAn optional set of options for the message translation


The getLocale() method gets the current locale of the i18n instance.


The setLocale() method sets the current locale of the i18n instance.

The following arguments can be passed to the setLocale() method.

localestringYesThe locale string. The default is en

setI18n method

The setI18n() method can be called when an instance needs to be set after the component has initialised.
The method accepts an i18n argument which is a single I18n instance.

  someMethod () {
    const i18n = getI18n()