Internationalization (i18n)

FicusJS provides functions for internationalization (i18n) and localization in components.

import { createI18n } from ''

// create the i18n instance and add the messages
const i18n = createI18n()

    projectTitle: 'Project title',
    button: {
        text: 'Click me \!',
        caption: 'Please click me!'
    itemsCaption: [
        '\ item',
        '\ items'
    deep: {
        nested: {
            label: 'Deep nested label'

// use the translations
i18n.t('projectTitle') // outputs  "Project title"
i18n.t('button.text', { userName: 'George' }) // outputs  "Click me George!"
i18n.t('button.caption') // outputs  "Please click me!"
i18n.t('itemsCaption', { count: 1 }) // outputs  "1 item"
i18n.t('itemsCaption', { count: 2 }) // outputs  "2 items"
i18n.t('deep.nested.label') // outputs  "Deep nested label"