createI18n function

Creating a new i18n instance using createI18n will create an instance of the I18n class.
This class provides methods for working with multiple languages and localisations.

The i18n instance will be created as a singleton - this ensures only one instance exists.

import { createI18n } from ''

// create the i18n instance and add the messages
const i18n = createI18n()

The current locale is set according to the following rules:

  1. lang query string parameter ?lang=es
  2. HTML lang attribute <html lang="es">
  3. navigator.language property


The following methods are available on the i18n instance.

add(items, locale, prefix)

i18n.add({ greeting: 'Hello FicusJS' }, 'en')

The add() method adds messages to the i18n instance.

Message interpolation uses double handlebars {{ value }}.

The following arguments can be passed to the add() method.

itemsobjectYesThe object containing messages. The value of each message can be a simple string or, in the case of pluralized messages, an array of strings.
localestringAn optional locale for the messages. For example es. The default is en
prefixstringAn optional prefix for the messages. It will be automatically prepended to each item's key.

Pluralization is set by adding an array of messages to the items object.

  greeting: 'Hello FicusJS'
  itemsCaption: [
    '1 item',
    '0 or more items'

Interpolation is also supported in pluralization messages.

t(key, templateData, options)

The t() method retrieves the translation message for the current locale.

Translation messages are stored under the specified key according to the current locale.
If templateData is present, messages are interpolated with templateData.

A specific locale translation can be specified via options.locale.


Pluralization is calculated by examining the count property passed in the templateData object.

i18n.t('itemsCaption', { count: 0 }) // outputs  "0 or more items"
i18n.t('itemsCaption', { count: 1 }) // outputs  "1 item"
i18n.t('itemsCaption', { count: 2 }) // outputs  "0 or more items"

The count property can be changed in the options object by specifying pluralizeTo.

i18n.t('itemsCaption', { num: 0 }, { pluralizeTo: 'num' }) // outputs  "0 items"
i18n.t('itemsCaption', { num: 1 }, { pluralizeTo: 'num' }) // outputs  "1 item"
i18n.t('itemsCaption', { num: 2 }, { pluralizeTo: 'num' }) // outputs  "2 items"


The following arguments can be passed to the t() method.

keystringYesThe key for the specific message. This can be a nested key like navbar.buttons.home
templateDataobjectThe optional data for message interpolation. The keys must match the message value. For example; the message Greeting {{ name }} requires a templateData object containing { name: 'FicusJS' }
optionsobjectAn optional set of options for the message translation

The following options can be passed to the options object.

localestringAn optional locale for the messages. For example es. The default is en
pluralizeTostringAn optional property name to use for pluralization. The default is count
i18n.t('greeting', { name: 'FicusJS' }, { locale: 'es' })


The setLocale() method sets the current locale of the i18n instance.

The following arguments can be passed to the setLocale() method.

localestringYesThe locale string. The default is en


The getLocale() method gets the current locale of the i18n instance.

const locale = i18n.getLocale()

// locale is 'es'


The interpolateWith() method sets the regular expression for template strings interpolation.
By default, string interpolation uses double handlebars {{ value }}.

This can be overridden using the interpolateWith() with the following arguments.

userRERegExpYesThe regex for template string interpolation
i18n.add({ welcomeMessage: 'Hello $userName' })


const value = i18n.t('welcomeMessage', { userName: 'George' })

// value is 'Hello George'

setPluralizationRule(locale, rule, options)

The setPluralizationRule() method sets a locale-specific pluralization rule function to determine plural form variation index.

localestringYesThe locale that the rule function is defined for
rulefunctionYesA locale-specific function that receive a count as parameter and returns an index into the array of pluralized translated messages
optionsobjectAn optional set of locale-specific options for the pluralization rule
i18n.setPluralizationRule('en', function (count) {
    return (1 === count) ? 0 : 1
}, { pluralizeTo: 'count' })

whenUndefined(key, locale)

The whenUndefined() method defines a custom handler for when the requested item is not available.

i18n.whenUndefined = function (key, locale) {
    return `${key}:undefined:${locale}`

const value = i18n.t('errors.dateInput')

// value is 'errors.dateInput:undefined:es'


The clear() method empties the instance of messages.
