Consuming a module

The following example shows how to consume a module from a shared library.

// import the required FicusJS functions
import { createCustomElement, use } from ''

// import the renderer and html tagged template literal from the uhtml renderer
import { html, renderer } from ''

// import component library from a local path
import { module } from './path/to/component-module.esm.js'

// import the components into your application
use(module, { renderer, html })

// in your template, use the component
createCustomElement('my-component', {
  render () {
    return html`<div>

use function

The use function will import a module of components into your application ready to use.

// import the use function
import { use } from ''

// import the renderer and html tagged template literal from the uhtml renderer
import { html, renderer } from ''

// import component module from a local path
import { module } from './path/to/component-module.esm.js'

// import the components into your application
use(module, { renderer, html })

The following arguments must be provided to the use function:

moduleobjectThe imported module
helpersobjectA helpers object for passing to components. This must contain the renderer function as a named property

The helpers object must contain the renderer function as named property. Additional helpers can be provided in the helpers object and will be passed to the module. For example; the html tagged template literal can be passed for module components to return HTML content.

// pass the renderer and the html tagged template literal to the module for rendering
use(module, { renderer, html })