createMachine function

The createMachine function is used to define a state machine.

import { createMachine } from ''

const machine = createMachine({
  id: 'toggle',
  initial: 'inactive',
  states: {
    inactive: { on: { TOGGLE: 'active' } },
    active: { on: { TOGGLE: 'inactive' } }


Actions and guards can be implemented within an options object passed as the second argument to createMachine.

actions - the mapping of action names to their implementation
guards - the mapping of transition guard (cond) names to their implementation

const definition = {
  context: { amount: 0 },
  id: 'glass',
  initial: 'empty',
  states: {
    empty: {
      on: {
        FILL: {
          actions: 'addWater',
          target: 'filling'
    filling: {
      always: {
        cond: 'glassIsFull',
        target: 'full'
      on: {
        FILL: {
          actions: 'addWater',
          target: 'filling',
          internal: false
    full: {}

const options = {
  actions: {
    addWater: assign({
      amount: (context, event) => context.amount + 1
  guards: {
    glassIsFull (context, event) {
      return context.amount >= 10

// create the state machine
const machine = createMachine(definition, options)